Reef Nook Corals born from our enjoyment of corals and our quest to make it viable. After making the decision and shaping the idea of setting up a company with live coral as the only claim, this website along with our meticulously designed facilities to accommodate, quarantine and propagate coral, are the final result of this process that It has taken us 2 years.
A time that has served us to continue learning and, above all, to accumulate more corals. The fact that today the cultivation of coral under artificial conditions is a reality, allows us to make available to other fans a large part of this collection that does not stop growing. And it allows us, in particular, not to depend exclusively on imports at source, despite the fact that we also offer, to a lesser extent, wild corals.
If coral farming is already, within the hobby, an act of ecological sustainability, at Reef Nook Corals, like other companies, we wanted to go a step further and use the sun, abundant in our geographical situation, to bring our systems to life during the day. Our photovoltaic installation takes care of that.
We have worked hard to make this website an enjoyable and informative experience for our customers, and we hope they find what they are looking for. And if not, we are at your disposal to help you with it.
Biel Cardona (Founder)
YesIn itself, coral farming is, within the hobby, an act of ecological sustainability, at Reef Nook Corals, like other companies, we wanted to go a step further and use the sun, abundant in our geographical situation, to give life to our systems during the day. Our photovoltaic installation takes care of that.
We have worked hard to make this website an enjoyable and informative experience for our customers, and we hope they find what they are looking for. And if not, we are at your disposal to help you with it.
YesIn itself, coral farming is, within the hobby, an act of ecological sustainability, at Reef Nook Corals, like other companies, we wanted to go a step further and use the sun, abundant in our geographical situation, to give life to our systems during the day. Our photovoltaic installation takes care of that.
We have worked hard to make this website an enjoyable and informative experience for our customers, and we hope they find what they are looking for. And if not, we are at your disposal to help you with it.

Our systems
Our facilities consist of 2 systems (~2000L each): one to cultivate our collection and another to receive, acclimatize and maintain wild coral. We also have a small quarantine system. You can find more details about the equipment we use and our maintenance routine here.

Our facilities are maintained in the most environmentally friendly way possible. The bulk of our energy consumption is provided by the sun, which we enjoy around 250 days a year. Our osmosis systems are fully optimized and all waste water is stored for later use to maintain our exterior.